Is Anger Destroying Your Life

Is Anger Destroying Your Life? Anger Management At Home

Is Anger Destroying Your Life?

  • Do you feel under constant stress and pressure like you are backed into a wall and there is no way out?
  • Does this feeling fill you up with rage and you take it out on others who don't deserve it?
  • Has your anger made a bad situation worse?
  • Have you lost family and friends because of your temper?
  • Have you been passed up for job opportunities and promotions because of your "attitude"?
  • Do you feel so out of control that there is no hope for you?

Don't fear, there is still hope for you yet!

You really are a good person, but haven't found an effective way to deal with the pressures of life. Before all this anger consumes you, ruins your career, destroys your family and your health, do something about it now!

Life can be great when you know how to deal with your anger. Get that boost of confidence you need to deal with any situation that has made you feel trapped in the past. By using simple techniques you can learn at home, you can reverse the damages you have created in your life and create the lifestyle you really want.

Click Here to find out how you can learn anger management at home.

Playing the Prosperity Game

Playing your way to ProsperityThe Prosperity Game Free to sign up and play I love playing this game

The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons. -- Abraham-Hicks

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Positive Thought for the day

I will be trying to put Postivities on daily. A lot of self help authors say to repeat Postivities daily and put them in the present as if it is already a reality not in the future because the subconsious mind will keep what your working toward in the future. So I will be posting Postivities that you can repeat daily

I intend to be at the right places at the right times.

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all."

~Dale Carnegie

Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you.

-Wayne Dyer

Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.

-Wayne Dyer

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.

-Wayne Dyer

From the daily motivator

There is beauty
There is beauty where you are. Do you see it? There is beauty in your soul. Can you feel it?

There is beauty in the person standing next to you. Are you able to appreciate it?

There is beauty in places where you have never noticed it before. Uncover that hidden beauty, and you'll discover a whole new level of joyfulness in life.

Though beauty itself cannot be fully understood, experiencing beauty will help you to more fully understand yourself. For every kind of beauty in the outside world to which you are attracted, there is a corresponding beauty within you.

In every time, in every place, in every encounter, in every endeavor, there is beauty. Look for the beauty, and you'll find real value.

-- Ralph Marston


Join the Army of the Lord
A friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door, as he always is, to shake hands. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside. The Pastor said to him, "You need to join the Army of the Lord!"

My friend replied, "I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor."

Pastor questioned, "How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?"

He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."

Just Ask Me
On a flight to Florida, I was preparing my notes for one of the parent education seminars I conduct as an educational psychologist. The elderly woman sitting next to me explained that she was returning to Miami after having spent two weeks visiting her six children, 18 grandchildren and ten greatgrandchildren in Boston. Then she inquired what I did for a living.

I told her, fully expecting her to question me for free professional advice.

Instead she sat back and said, "If there's anything you want to know, just ask me."

For more positve thoughts Click Here.

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